7 tips to choose hypoallergenic skin products

Nothing in the world of beauty is forever, but we can live it fully while it lasts.
Skincare is, if not by far, one of the most distressing concerns for women and men, and they don’t need to be ashamed of it. The skin is the largest organ in our body, so it requires more care.
With the rise of makeup, moisturizers, and any other type of beauty product, the statistics on people affected by allergic reactions have skyrocketed. Laboratories and beauty brands have chosen to put out hypoallergenic skin products in order to reduce the lack of satisfaction and positive results in their most loyal customers.
However, don’t be fooled. The word hypoallergenic has come together in pejorative terms, making an impression of total suppression of allergies, when this has never actually been the case.
On this occasion, we at Deauville Shop have given ourselves the task of providing you with the information on how to choose hypoallergenic skin products, why choose these products, and how to take care of your skin in the process once and for all.
Hypoallergenic products: what are they and what are they used for?
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
“Hypoallergenic products are those products that are prone to producing fewer allergic reactions than others, especially in the cosmetics industry.”
Therefore, this range of products does not aim the entire and complete elimination of allergies caused by active ingredients in products from the cosmetic area. These false beliefs about hypoallergenic products have caused multiple confusions in its consumers, who ended up feeling disappointed and angry for not obtaining improvements by mere ignorance of the effects of the product.
However, hypoallergenic skin products are an excellent alternative for a group of people, whose skin is really sensitive, since the chemical formulas have applied a total elimination or an almost complete reduction of active ingredients that, statistically, have generated greater cases of allergies in consumers.
Just because it doesn’t completely eliminate allergic reactions to certain chemicals in beauty products doesn’t mean it won’t work well for people. Hypoallergenic products are ideal for sensitive skin, skin conditions such as dermatitis, and for those who have never experienced an allergic reaction until a certain point in the future.
7 tips to choose hypoallergenic skin products

Now that you know better about what these products do, it’s time for you to learn how to choose hypoallergenic skin products.
Tip # 1: Choose Recognized Brands
Leaving out any commercial cliché, choosing recognized brands will always represent a generous choice for both your pocket and your skin.
Yes, some well-known brands are more ostentatious and expensive than others, but their dermatological and clinical certification processes, track record, and proven studies are the attributes that are really worth considering.
However, the big brands are not always the ones that show the best results, and you will find out more about this in tip # 2.
Tip # 2: Betting on Natural Brands
Unlike gigantic cosmetic brands like Revlon, Clinique, and BIOTHERM, natural brands have nothing to lose in front of their larger competitors.
With a slightly lower first impression in beauty stores, natural hypoallergenic products can have the same characteristics as recognized brands: dermatological and clinical certifications, scientific studies that endorse their compositional chemical elements; and what make them better are their natural products.
Tip # 3: Avoid Wearing Them While You Sleep
We know you have heard this tip on many occasions. Wearing skincare products while sleeping will not provide optimal results if you use them frequently, regardless of its chemical composition.
We generally use these products to go out to work, go out to study, meet friends; and we usually do these activities early in the morning. Basically, if we keep the product on when we go to sleep, this would imply continuous usage during the day, and it is advisable to remove it at night. Thus, the skin can breathe and rest properly.
Tip # 4: Check the expiration date
This tip is not brand news to anyone.
Checking the expiration date on any product we purchase is vital for our body. Side effects can vary, and are usually produced when the products have reached their consumption date.
Hypoallergenic products are not and should not be the exception. Checking its expiration date will allow you to enjoy its positive effects at the right time.
Tip # 5: Check the compounds ahead
For those people who are aware of their allergies and know what are the chemical that produce these reactions, this tip will always be a home run.
Simply take the product, check its label, and review the list of ingredients that make it up. If you read an asset that can cause an allergic reaction, turn to other products that don’t have this chemical as ingredient.
Don’t worry; the variety of hypoallergenic products is huge.
Tip # 6: Be careful on the products presentation
Whether is a body lotion, a powder, an ointment or a body oil, you should know which presentation will be best for your skin.
It will depend on your intention. If you want to hydrate your skin, you can consider using hypoallergenic body oils, but you can also consider moisturizers. Both presentations are exquisitely effective in moisturizing dry skin, however, if you are more related to either one of them, we recommend using what you frequently use.
Tip # 7: Confirm that it is truly hypoallergenic
You can confirm this in the back section of the label, or even in the name of the product. Verifying that a product is really hypoallergenic is essential for many people. If it turns out to be the opposite, the allergic effects that could arise would be fatal.
Why choosing hypoallergenic products?

The answer is simple: just because.
The most important advantage that a hypoallergenic product can demonstrate is its reduced probability of causing allergic reactions in people. Allergic episodes are not appetizing, and living in a world where companies regularly compete to each other to sell more, we are not sure which products can be really good, and which products cannot.
In addition to this, hypoallergenic products not only work to avoid an allergy, but also for those who suffer from sensitive skin or skin diseases. Their lack of certain chemicals whose allergic incidence statistic is high provides to the skins of this group of people feel safe when facing an unfavorable reaction in their skin.
How to take care of our skin
For certain people, this topic is extremely important to them. Taking care of the skin is still a task that many people adapt to their lifestyle, and it is a discipline that they simply cannot ignore.
Here are a few more tips on how to care for your skin.
1. Your skin is unique, and so is its care
Remember that every skin is unique. You have to know it very well to determine what care will work best. Dry skin requires hydration; oily skin requires exfoliation, and so on.
Discover your skin, and learn from it.
2. Sensitive areas
Our body is covered by more sensitive areas than others, and these areas do not usually have much physical contact.
Examples of the sensitive areas in our skin are the neck, the back of the palms, the eye contour; or even the lips.
3.Protect your skin from the sun
Although it is true that the sun gives us its great lighting and enormous amounts of heat, it is not advisable to expose ourselves to it for so long, even though we enjoy summer. The skin is delicate, and if it is exposed to sun rays, it can suffer irreparable consequences that cannot be overcome.
Do not hesitate to give the best to your skin. After all, it covers and protects our body completely, and is worthy of being cared for in the best possible way.
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